You cannot plan for and design a responsive, content-focused, mobile-first website the same way.
You cannot plan for and design a responsive, content-focused, mobile-first website the same way.
Far far away, on the island of Moskenesøya in the Lofoten archipelago, above the Arctic Circle, there lives Reine – the most beautiful village in Norway. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with […]
Designing and developing can be time-consuming, especially when the project involves a new challenge, putting the team or freelancer into unknown territory. Moreover, time is a key factor in productivity. Working efficiently enables us to deliver better value at a competitive price. However, some steps can be repeated for every project. These are steps we […]
There are a lot of startups out there creating great product design. But how are you supposed to evaluate innovation? John Long at The Ship’s Log has 3 simple questions (and sub-questions) to ask when considering your product. Is it Usable? And now for the sub-questions! Is the heart of the application easy to use? […]
Cette année 2015 a été exceptionnellement riche en voyages et donc en photos. Merci pour toutes vos marques de sympathie, vos likes et autres partages sur les réseaux sociaux…continuez! J’espère progresser en 2016 pour vous proposer encore de belles photos de paysages. 2015 has been incredibly great for travels and photography for me. Thanks for […]