In order to change a little bit from photography, this is my first timelapse ever! It has been recorded with Gopro Hero 4, then processed with Gopro Studio & IMovie. It’s a sunset timelapse from a stunning spot called the Cap Champagne, west coast of Reunion Island. Enjoy! Dans le but de changer un peu […]
Auteur/autrice : admin
Saint Denis Megacity by night!
Saint Denis is the capital city of Reunion Island and by the way the most populous city also. Of course it’s not as huge as Bangkok where I’ve made my last cityscapes (here) but you can find a nice viewpoint from the moutain. Saint Denis est le chef-lieu de l’Ile de la Réunion et du […]
Le volcan la pété!
Yes! A new eruption has started since Feb 4th at the Piton de la Fournaise which is an amazing event for all here at Reunion Island. Due to the bad weather, I’ve only reached the viewpoint 2 days later. But what a great moment when you’re hearing the volcano roar and when you see this […]
Sleeping (or not) with the stars…
Thanks to the nice weather, a friend and I were lucky enough to drive up to the Maido Viewpoint (2100m) to admire the stars & the milky way! We were so excited and fascinated by this amazing scenery that we even spent a sleepless night until the sunrise! But it was worth it! Grâce à […]
Thailand Part 1 : urban landscapes…
Let’s start the new year with a selection of urban landscapes from my last trip to Thailand. The huge and stunning city of Bangkok is perfect for nightscape urban photographers! Commençons la nouvelle année avec une sélection de paysages urbains de mon dernier voyage en Thailande. Bangkok est vraiment parfaite pour les photographes amateurs de […]
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Happy new year! want to thank you for your support and wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous new year full of great shots all over the world! vous remercie pour votre soutien et vous souhaite du bonheur, de la santé, de la prospérité et surtout plein de belles photos autour du monde!
Let’s relax at Diana Dea Lodge!
Another great and relaxing moment but this time at the North or Reunion Island! We are at the Diana Dea Lodge (a four stars hotel based at Saint Anne) in the midst of nature… Un autre superbe moment de détente mais cette fois-ci dans le Nord de la Réunion! Nous sommes au Diana Dea Lodge (Hotel […]
Luxury moment at Palm Hotel!
What a better way to start the last holidays? Let’s have a rest at the luxury Palm Hotel and enjoy the zen atmosphere with a great view on Grande Anse at the south of Reunion Island… Comment commencer au mieux les dernières vacances? Faisons une halte au luxueux Palm Hotel et profitons de l’ambiance zen […]